Friday, 20 December 2013


This is an example of a place to not film a thriller the reason is because it is bright and sunny and it is also to cheery to be a place that a thriller is set. The camera angles also suggest happiness as it is a picture of the entire landscape which suggests that it is a place that everyone wants to see and be there. A thriller is never set in a place with full sunshine as it defeats the point of it being a thriller.

Here is an example of a place a thriller could be filmed, although there is bright colours and bright light it is a hidden away place where cliffs could be etc. This picture is just like the cliffs in Shutter Island where the rocks and water is and also where the trees and grass is around.

This is also another example of a place a thriller could be filmed. Thrillers are commonly filmed in a big city when it is a dark day or when it is raining or foggy weather so that it would create the effect of the thriller itself.