Monday, 16 December 2013

Health and Safety of the location

The locations health and safety is mainly fire safety but there are also other things to make the office safe enough for filming.
 The emergency numbers for everyone would be:

Ellie: 999 - Police, Ambulance and Fire (emergency services)
Ben: 999 - Police, Ambulance and Fire (emergency services)
Vicky: 999 - Police, Ambulance and Fire (emergency Services)
Actors: 999 - Police, Ambulance and Fire (emergency Services)

There will be fire exits around the building which will be easy for everyone to access. There will be an alarm which will alert the emergency services which will then send out the right services.

This is am image of the the fire exit and the rules you should follow when exciting the building, to make safer and quicker for the people to exit.

The red box is for setting the alarms off before the smoke has alarmed the drill. The assembly point is where we would have to get to so the emergency services know who's left in the building. There are also escape stairs for us to get out of which unlocks when the alarm is triggered.

There are also other health and safety in the building, such as,  in the kitchen, there will be a sign where the kettle is as it's boiling water, therefore being a hazard. There will also be a first-aid kit in each room incase of a cut.

The main thing that could occur is most probably a fire, as this could occur at anytime. There are many health and safety areas at a work place. The main emergency number would be the emergency services, as they will be the people most likely to be able to help.