Thursday, 3 April 2014

Evaluation: Question 5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

How did you attract/address your audience?
We attracted the audiences in many different ways. For example we put our video on to youtube for the public to see and we also added annotations to the video so that the audience can click on links to another video which would link in to our video.

Here is a picture of the annotation which can link you to other videos which match in which the video you have just been watching. For example it could take you to other media videos which are based on the thrillers or it could even take you to a thriller trailer for an actual film.

By having the annotations it gets links to other videos as well as can show comments and can even have pop ups which can grab the audiences attention. There is an option on the video to be able to give feedback to the person who has published it online, by having people give their feedback it can give you ideas on if they like it and if they do not and if they do then you know to make more videos like it so that you can make your audience happy whereas if they do not like it you know what you need to change about it.

Here are three pictures related to what I just spoke about. The like and dislike picture and the all comments picture shows where the audience can give you feedback and let you know if you have attracted them, if you have attracted them then they will click the like button and they may even leave a good comment if they have time to. If they click the dislike button and leave a bad comment then you have not attracted them which means you need to work on ways to attract them. The third picture is a picture of one of the annotations I put onto the video it shows that sometimes you can get pop ups during videos and most of the time they are related to what you have been watching and most of them have helpful links so you can watch other videos.

Here is a picture of the feedback that we received on our thriller video. We received positive feedback from all of the four people who commented. By having the positive feedback it shows that we have attracted the audience and that they did enjoy the video. Most of the comments like the editing in the video which could suggest they are a fan of editing which could give us some ideas to create more editing videos to be able to attract and address our audience. The main way that we addressed our audience was by putting the video up on youtube and see who liked it and how many views we received and once we see the feedback like above we know how to address our audience in the future and how to get our target audience that we need.

This is a picture showing how many likes and how many dislikes we received also showing how many views our video received. Our video received 26 views and 1 like and no dislikes. This is a good sign and it shows that we have attracted our audience.